Umeambiwa Kuna Video/Picha,
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au Namba za Mrembo
welcome me to open this training which is very important for the future of the interests of the public servants. I personally enjoy this unique opportunity to participate in the salary improvement process in Public Service at this very early stage. I also like to congratulate M / S Deloitte Consulting Ltd, Expert Director, with the responsibility of conducting this training and eventually the Work Evaluation exercise.
Dear participants, as you know, the work being done today is part of the implementation of the Payment and Employment Payment Policy in 2010 for Public Service which has resulted in long-term efforts by the Government to improve the salaries and interests of the public servants. Thank you for continuing to address the issues set out in the Policy.
Dear Members, We all know that the purpose of the establishment of the Ward and Employment Board in Public Service is to ensure that other salaries and interests are harmonized and harmonized in order to attract and retain experts in Public Service. Work Evaluation Exercise is not a new exercise in public service. This exercise was held in 1998 - 2000 although it did not involve public service. The current exercise will weigh the weight of work in all public service as stipulated in the Special Boards established by the Board. So, the task that is in front of you is great and requires a high level of focus. I have been informed that this group includes a skilled public servant in various professionals and from the pembed areas.

Dear members, as I said earlier that this work will be for all public servants, it is clear that you will meet with the people of kada, profession, understanding and different expectations where you will have to use interpersonal and communication skills in achieving this task. fluently.
Dear Members, I hope you will be sensitive and quick to understand this training because our goal is not to give you the skills to do this work alone but to build up the ability to practice such a practice in the future. I understand that some of you have participated in the 1998 - 2000 exercise and so I hope you will contribute a great deal to this exercise. Ask Mtalaam Director to monitor closely the activity of each participant to ensure that he understands, has fully participated and that he can be trusted in the future as part of such a great task. I will be glad if any of you will come to the forefront of experts to exercise such a great exercise as future consultants.
Dear Members, I have completed my speech by reminding them that this training and this work are part of the public service, so I expect to focus on the public service ethics at all stages.
After saying these words, I want to be well educated and I NEED TO THESE QUESTIONS


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