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Kibamba MP (Chadema), John Mnyika said the demolition on Morogoro Road was illegal because the road law was used was arrested in 1932 and was deleted.

Asking a question in parliament today Monday Mnyika said President John Magufuli on a visit to Mwanza issued a statement of discrimination and that if it was not an excuse, then the Government would have to make a statement of repayment to those robbed of their homes.

"Because the government intervened as a member of the legislature, I made the amendments to the parliament for a total of 60 meters but the government made a plot with the parliamentary Secretary who left (Thomas Kashililah) to prevent the bill when it was actually disagree with the plot agreed with the President and the bill was brought here In the parliament, this road has 60 meters wide?

Responding to the question, Deputy Minister for Construction, Abuse and Communication, Elias Written, said that the various rules of the road were being focused on development and that the Road Law of 1932 marked the size of the roads in all areas being built.

He asked the parliament to contact the local government authorities who are responsible for determining whether there is a need for some areas to be revised in the law.

"No conspiracy and compensation issue will go according to law," he said.

The Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister, Parliament, Labor, Employment and People with Disabilities, Jenista Mhagama, said Parliament's fourth section shows how Parliament's activities are planned and the fifth part shows how the debate will be conducted in Parliament.

"It is not true that the Government has made a plot to Parliament to prevent any bill being brought into Parliament, the issue described by Mnyika in an additional question not necessarily the issue in his bill," he said.

The state said the Government does not have any conspiracy procedure with the Parliament.

In the main question The Mnyika wanted to know when the Government would submit a road traffic amendment bill so that the road reserve would be related to another road.

Responding to the question In writing, the Government has no plans to amend the law to make the Morogoro Road intersect with another highway because the protected area of ​​the road is required for road expansion to meet current and future needs.

Vice-President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan on November 28, 2017 has arrived in Nairobi in Kenya where he represents the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Hon. Dr. John Brewery celebrates at the celebration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Kenya Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta.

At the international airport of Jomo Kenyatta Hon. Samia Suluhu Hassan who has joined Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in East Africa. Suzan Kolimba has been received by Hon. Ambassador Robinson Njeru Githae of Kenya and Tanzania Ambassador in Kenya Hon. Dr. No Other.

Honorary celebration ceremony. President Uhuru Kenyatta takes place in the field of Moi Kasarani in Nairobi.


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