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An ancient fort near a beach in southeast England is the first solid archaeological evidence of Julius Caesar's invasions of Britain in 54 and 55 B.C., according to researchers.
The fort at Ebbsfleet was likely occupied by a garrison of Roman soldiers who kept watch over the more than 800 ships of the invasion fleet anchored in Pegwell Bay, while Julius Caesar led his invading legions across Kent and north of the River Thames, Fitzpatrick said. [.]
Scientists have converted a bunch of microbes into what they've dubbed the "world's smallest tape recorder:" By tinkering with the genes of an ordinary laboratory strain of Escherichia coli bacteria, researchers say they've been able to coax the bacteria into not only logging their interactions with the environment but time-stamping these occurrences, as well. [.]
It's sparkly, it's festive and some scientists want to see it swept from the face of the Earth.
Microplastics make up a major proportion of ocean pollution. A 2014 study in the open-access journal PLOS ONE estimated that there are about 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic weighing a total of 268,940 tons (243,978 metric tons) floating in the world's seas. Microplastics made up 92.4 percent of the total count. []

When your best friend catches you in a bad mood, does she try to console you, give you space to cool off or lick her own face in an uncontrollable slobber?
According to a new study by animal behavior researchers from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, mouth-licking may actually be one of a dog’s best tools for reading and responding to human faces — in particular, angry faces. [.]
The Exodus set was enormous. It had pharaohs, sphinxes and colossal temple gates that, in all, reached 12 stories high and spanned 800 feet (240 meters) in width, Jenzen said. But legend has it that DeMille realized two things when he was done filming: The set was too expensive to move and too valuable to leave behind for rival filmmakers to steal, Jenzen said. []

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