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Julius Caesar wrote about leading two Roman invasions of Britain, in 55 B.C. and 54 B.C., in his Commentaries on the Gallic War, which can still be read today.

To the Romans of the 1st Century BC, Britain was a semi-mythical land beyond the seas, populated by barbarous, war-like tribespeople known as the Pretani or Britons.

Thanks to Caesar's book, the invasions have been described as the first recorded events in the entire history of the British Isles.

But until the Roman landing place in 54 BC was identified near a beach in the southeast of England, there was no archaeological evidence for Caesar's invasions.

 The discovery of 215 fossilized pterosaur eggs has revealed a startling insight about their young: Pterosaur babies likely couldn't fly after hatching and probably needed their reptile parents to take care of them, a new study finds.

 Mexico President Nieto designated a Pacific Ocean region teeming with biodiversity as a protected marine area.

 Their cuteness and gentleness when handled makes this common desert creature, the horned lizard, one of the most lovable of all species of reptiles.

That's not the sound the Clathrus archeri fungus makes when it erupts from its egg-sack. But it sure seems like it should be.
When the squid-like stinkhorn fungus raises its gloopy, toothed arms to the heavens, it might look like it's enacting some salutation to an alien sun. But its purpose is in fact much more earthly: to attract swarms of hungry flies that will spread spores embedded in the fungus' sticky arm-gloop across the surrounding countryside. (You know, normal horrifying fungus stuff.)

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